Computational genomics is the study of the use of computational and statistical techniques for analyzing genomic sequences and data. The data that is analyzed using computational genomic techniques includes DNA and RNA sequences that have been gathered from a variety of methods. The computational approach to analyzing this data seeks to understand the specific functions and roles of genetics and DNA in disease and protein expression. Computational genomics falls under the general subset of bioinformatics.
Before the data can be analyzed using the techniques of computational genomics, scientists need to decode the specific nucleotides that make up the sequence of DNA. Scientists sequence DNA to determine which parts of the DNA segment contain genes that code for the synthesis of proteins and what parts of the DNA are regulatory. Sequencing DNA can also identify which mutations exist in the genome that could correlate to a specific disease.There are several techniques that are used to determine the sequences of DNA. Some of these techniques include Maxam-Gilbert Sequencing, Illumina Sequencing, 454 Pyrosequencing, and Ion Semi-Conductor Sequencing.
Once scientists obtain data (in this case after scientists obtain the sequences of the genome) they need a way to understand the complex sequence of nucleotides that they have uncovered. This is where genomic annotation comes in. Genome annotation is the process of identifying and explaining the specific processes of genes. An annotation, kind of like the comment that your teacher writes on the side of your essay, is the way that scientists explain the data that they have sequenced in terms of its function.
You know that gene expression is the process where the information that the DNA base pairs contain is made into a functional product, like a protein or RNA that serves a specific purpose in the cell. But how do we figure out what each piece of DNA codes for? There are several techniques that scientists use to try to assign specific functions to segments of DNA. By assigning a function to the genes, scientists are able to better understand how certain variations in genes can cause disease and how genetic disorders can occur. This process of identifying gene expression is a crucial aspect to developing and understanding new forms of personalized medication and treatment.