Bioinformatics company focused in Ireland that combines DNA analysis and artificial intelligence to study bioactive peptides that can be used in pharmaceuticals, healthiness, dermatology and animal health.
The technology specifically targets health conditions that could benefit from bioactive peptides. Search tools and algorithms are used to identify characteristics that correlate with the focused health condition. Then, Artificial intelligence algorithms are used to predict which food-derived bioactive peptides would have the desired effect on the health condition that is being researched. These algorithms make the analysis process efficient and quickly get results to the people who need them.
Nuritas is the first company to use computational tools to efficiently, productively, and sustainably produce results that benefit people who need them. Their proprietary algorithms capitalize on one of the major aspects of computation biology- using technology to save time and energy and produce accurate, insightful and helpful results [1].


This is an example of a bioactive peptide [1].
This coded apple represents the computational tools that Nuritas uses to enhance foods [2].

This is the logo of the MediSapiens company [3].
This video advertises for the various MediSapiens products [1a].
Medisapiens, a biotechnology company focused in Finland, is the first company to produce software to study the genetic makeup of patients afflicted with cancer. Using specific software, this company analyzes the genome of the patient and then recommends a personalized treatment.
In addition, the technology produced by Medisapiens efficiently synthesizes multiple genomic datasets to save their consumers time and energy.
Medisapiens recognizes that each project is unique, which is why their platform focuses on giving the consumer control on how the data is managed, stored, analyzed and presented. The solutions also grow and adapt to the data using artificial intelligence algorithms so that they can be flexible and relevant to each specific project.
Medisapiens is an innovator in the field of bioinformatics because it looks to provide scientists and researchers an effective, efficient, easy-to-use and intuitive program that can simplify the process of scientific research [2].
This bioinformatics company is focused in Switzerland and seeks to design new biomarkers that can be used to more efficiently and accurately diagnose and personally treat diseases.
Biognosys provides high-quality protein measurement and analysis for many species in order to facilitate research. Biognosys is an especially useful tool because it can adapt to any project, whether it be the analysis of a select few proteins of an entire proteome.
With an understanding of the varying degree of specificity in protein analysis projects, the technology produced by Biognosys falls into two distinct categories. The first involves discovery programs that profile up to 9,000 proteins, looking to provide a broad picture of a large number of proteins. The second is a specific program that targets select proteins (up to 150) for in-depth analysis.
Biognosys is a unique corporation in the field of bioinformatics because it offers specificity, accuracy, and a wide-range of products that can be tailored to reflect the needs of each unique project. Biognosys technology can be used to validate drug developments, develop personalized treatments and diagnostics, understand the pharmacological effects of drugs on the proteome, understand and monitor physiology within tissues and body fluids, and profile the protein expressions of crops, microorganisms, and animals [3].

This image demonstrates how Biognosys influences genetics [4].
This image is the Biognosys logo [5].
This video advertises the various Biognosys proteomics products [2a].
This company develops diagnostic tests using gene analysis technology. These tests determine whether a person has a disease, what status the disease is and how the patient will react to a specific treatment.
Skyline Diagnostic products seek to match the perfect treatments to patients using patented algorithmic tests. The goal of the integration of these advanced diagnostic tests into the world of medical treatment is making sure that each patient has the most comfortable experience with their pharmaceutical treatment as possible.
The tests seek to select the correct treatment for the correct time, minimize diagnosis of unnecessary or harmful treatments, and reduce the number of poor reactions to medication. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the health outcome by increasing the effectiveness of the treatment for each individual patient.
One of the most revolutionary products is the MMprofiler™, a preemptive test used to determine the level of risk of multiple myeloma (bone marrow cancer). Using the classifications of patients between low and high risk for development of bone marrow cancer, healthcare professionals can accurately choose appropriate treatments, while avoiding unnecessary, costly, or harmful treatments.
The profiling technology of the genetic analysis process is automated and efficient in performing complex genetic diagnostic tests. A test could take as little as 15 minutes, providing patients with life-saving information for little time, effort, or cost [4].

This image depicts the skyline diagnostics logo [6].
This video provides details about one of the Skyline Diagnostics products [3a].
This image shows one of the diagnostic techniques that can be used to detect disease [7].
Neotechnology has developed a graphing program that provides an interactive and eye-catching organization to varying sets of data. When researchers are working with thousands of sets of unique data, they need a simple and easy way to organize and analyze the data in order to draw conclusions.
Neotechnology's graphing program seeks to highlight the connections between the data. Using the reliable platform, a company is able to visually analyze the persisting relationships between each data point. The data allows the company to see their results presented in a logical and operational format essential to drawing relevant and informed conclusions.
Neotechnology is revolutionary because they recognize the unique position that drawing intelligent and insightful parallels between data has in the scientific conversations of the future.
By providing a platformed that is specifically designed to map data points and reveal invisible connections and correlations between data, Neotechnology hopes to allow scientists to make smarter and easier decisions.
Neotechnology is focused on the networking, analyzation, and storage of connected data through their various graphing platforms and databases [5].

Neotechnology develops graphs as shown by this image [8].
This is an example of a flavor survey graph developed by neotechnology [9].
This is another example of a visual developed by neotechnology [10]
Computomics is a bioinformatics company focused in Germany that provides molecular analysis of plants for crop biotechnology companies. The company sees a need for NGS sequencing in agricultural biotechnology and seeks to fill it with advanced computational tools.
Computonomics uses bioinformatics tools and algorithms to provide accurate and uniquely customized service projects.
By transversing the complexities of the genomes of agricultural crops and animals, Computonomics hopes to provide relevant and accurate informational tools to those who need the data.
Some of the methods that Computonomics uses to provide analytical assistance to agricultural biotechnology companies are genome assembly, annotation, sequencing, genotyping and more.
Using these tools, Computonomics seeks to provide genomic data, breeding recommendations, and molecular biology analysis to assist plant breeders [6].

This image shows some of the features offered by Computomics [11].
Computomics works heavily with agriculture, as shown by these blueberries [12].
This is the logo for Computomics [13].
Cofactor Genomics was founded by former scientists from the Human Genome Project. This company seeks to sequence RNA and combine the data with new intelligent algorithms to find biomarkers to study genetic correlations with disease.
The technology produced by Cofactor Genomics uses RNA sequencing techniques to discover, identify, and diagnose disease.
One of Cofactor's major products is Paragon, an RNA-based immunity profiling test which provides an in-depth analysis of a potentially cancerous patient's immunity. The information provided by Cofactor Genomics moves beyond the simplistic "yes or no" answers of a traditional diagnosis to provide oncology patients with specific and unique information about their immunity profile.
Cofactor Genomics is an innovator in the bioinformatics field because their work in developing and standardizing RNA diagnostic tests has led to their products being used frequently to test for cancer and validate DNA. The development of these products has led to the movement of molecular profiling of cancer cell and caused diagnosis to become infinitely more complex and specific [7].

This video details some of the services that Cofactor Genomics offers [4a].
This image provides an example of using genomic technology to aid in experimental research [14].

Biobam is a genomic research corporation founded in Valencia Spain in 2011. It seeks to bring bioinformatics solutions for analyzing and annotating sets of genomic data.
Biobam looks to make easy, attractive, and effective software that can make genomic research efficient. They hope to make the analysis of large datasets interactive and straightforward to bridge the gap between genomic experimentation and bioinformatic analysis.
Biobam's leading product, Blast2GO, provides an all-inclusive analysis tool for genomic tasks. The scope of functions performed by the tool is especially useful because it is time and cost efficient.
Some tasks performed by Blast2GO include functional analysis, identification of homology, and automated labeling of DNA sequences. This annotation and analysis process looks to simplify the annotation process for the researcher and provide the experiment with quality statistic-based information.
Biobam is an innovator in the field of bioinformatics because the technology produced works to integrate automation into many of the processes that were previously done by hand in the lab. By using a tool like Blast2Go to automatically perform simple DNA analysis tasks such as functional annotation, scientists are able to free up previously occupied time and energy and focus their energy on experimentation [8].
This image depicts the interface for the biobam software. You can see the many functions that the program serves [15].
This is the logo for the biobam company [16].
One of the specific functions of biobam is generating visual charts that compare various data points [17].

uBiome is the first sequence-based microbiome screening test. Using sequencing technology and techniques, uBiome microbiome tests look to identify each person's unique microbiome by sequencing the genome of each microbe living in the patient's gut. The screening looks for beneficial and harmful microorganisms that could correlate with gut conditions such as Crohn's Disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
uBiome also provides a vaginal microbiome screening test for various STIs. Using patented microbiome sequencing techniques and computational analysis algorithms and software, uBiome provides the patient with a specific microbiome profile.
The information gathered from the sequencing and analysis process can allow consumers and their doctors to understand conditions and properly treat infections or disorders.
uBiome serves an example of a company that utilizes the computational techniques and technologies in bioinformatics to improve the health of the consumer and provide relevant information to doctors and their patients [9].
In order to obtain the information to provide results to the consumer, uBiome needs to obtain a specimen carrying the bacteria [18].
This is an example of the specific results that a consumer may receive after their testing is completed [19].
23andMe is a genotyping service that provides unique chromosomal profiling data to the consumer. The report generated by 23andMe contains unique information about genetic health risks, traits, and ancestry.
The data that is provided to the consumer is obtained using DNA sequencing and analysis techniques. The consumer provides the lab with DNA in a saliva sample that is then isolated and genetic variants are analyzed using a patented genotyping chip.
The variants that are reported at the conclusion of the testing are then analyzed using computational algorithms and a personalized report is established and returned to the user.
23andMe is especially revolutionary because it was the first company to provide personalized and in-depth genetic information and analysis to the general public on such a large scale. It has been reported that 23andMe has over 2M customers, making it one of the largest genetic testing and information companies in the world.
While the popularity and success of this company provides many people the information they need to make genetically informed health decisions, it also poses many ethical and moral questions [10].

This is an example of the contents of a 23andMe kit that are included in order to obtain the DNA necessary for the profiling [20].
This visual shows the many useful functions that the genotyping services at 23andMe have [21].